Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So I went to Yoga last night...

I tell you, Yoga rocks, in a Zen way of course! I don't care what anyone says, Yoga is not easy and it is not just an hour of stretching. Beryl, the woman who gives our class is quite possibly past middle aged and she is BEAUTIFUL! She also happens to have an incredible body for a woman who is no longer in her 20's or even 30's... If Yoga can do that for Beryl it can do it for me! I hope.

Exercise is a funny thing though isn't it? Makes you hungry. Which in itself is not strange at all really, provided you have a basic knowledge of biology, failing which, if you understand the general environment of a PA's desk or email... Inbox and Outbox, for every mail you send out you are bound to receive at least one in your Inbox. Exercise makes you hungry and eating allows you to exercise. Unless you are one of those incredibly vapid people determined to give yourself an ulcer, heart attack and osteoporosis... You need to eat if you are making regular productive visits to the gym... I say 'productive' because I have been to gyms before where the girls put on a ton of make-up, minuscule shorts and wander around the gym with a sweat towel and water bottle looking like really cute models of the ideal gym-bunny. Said sweat towel never becomes damp and said water bottle is merely a prop... what really stymies me is that they are so fit and toned! They'll spend an hour at the gym and do no exercise besides walking up to someone they know and chatting. Do they gym elsewhere? Do they have a secret basement gym where they tone themselves to look that good in those micro shorts? How do they afford it?? I know when i go to gym I look like I've been to gym about 10 minutes into my workout. Red cheeks, damp hair, sweat patches on the back of my shirt... Well, that's kinda what I'm there for right? Right??

Anyway, about the yoga... Red cheeks, damp hair, sweat patches on the back of my shirt... Yes, this morning my awkward and ungainly struggles to exit the cave which is my bed was due to yoga and my incredibly pained stomach (muscles) intercostals and arms... and, and and... full body torture for a trimmer you, try YOGA!

I'm contemplating lunch now, seeing as it's only 11:45 I should probably try hold out another 45minutes or this day may become very long, and because I work with people it really isn't fair to them to allow myself to get hungry... Scary...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Siamese Fighters and Really Red Lips

So basically my idea is simple and inspired by nature. Who made the rule that deep red lipstick is for evening wear? I am not the kind of girl that wears make up on a daily basis, not even on special occasions, recently I got the hang of eyeliner and if I go dancing with friends I may put some on. 

However, my mom got me the most fantastic deep red wine coloured lipstick for Christmas, this is the kind of colour that makes your teeth instantly whiter and your skin instantly more tanned. Well, if you have my colouring it does, and being half Italian I think it works out pretty well.

My problem with this fantastic shade being considered evening wear is that I don't go out much at night. So guess what? I wear it during the day... SHOCK HORROR. Suck it up cupcakes! My theory, the one based on nature is as follows: Roses are red, deserts are red, Siamese fighting fish are red, at least, one of mine is, so why the hell can't my lips be that red during the daylight hours, colour is best seen in light. I am not a sunrise, I am a sunset, dramatic and vivid, at least this is what I tell myself when I become depressed that I don't have a six pack and eyes like angelina Jolie... So go for it, wear deep red romantic red lipstick to lunch!